5 Life-Changing Things We’ve Learnt From Our Toddlers

As you are probably aware, being a mum is equally as challenging as it is rewarding, but it completes you in a way you never imagined possible. You become the person you were always meant to be; how beautiful is that?

We are all in this whirlwind of motherhood, the ups and downs, the overwhelm and the joy together. Our little ones teach us so much; a lifetime of lessons in patience, perseverance and utter happiness. Let’s explore five of the most powerful lessons we have learnt from our little ones!

🖐 If you look into your child’s eyes, what do you see?

We see; fresh eyes, a huge open heart, an honest voice, vibrant life, a positive soul (in between tantrums), and also the greatest teacher.

1. The power of being in mother nature

We guarantee most mothers find themselves outside in nature daily. Sometimes it’s routine, or when they are restless or need distracting, and sometimes it’s so you can have some time to yourself at a park to simply chat with another adult. As parents, we know when taking our toddlers outside, they run around to their heart’s content, become imaginative and, most importantly, free. And in turn, we become playful and adventurous. Admit it, your pirate character is pretty spot on - and you’re a feisty, fast dragon! 

We also believe fresh air and nature is the best medicine. We’ve learnt when feeling stressed, heading outside is a great solution. Even just a quick walk helps fill your lungs with fresh air, reset and feel better as a mum.

🖐 Where’s your favourite place in mother nature?

    2. Fun is in the eye of the beholder 

    Family time allows us to be kids again, to live for the now, to run through the muddy puddles, to get paint on our faces and to feel the rain on our skin. As adults, it’s so easy to focus on never-ending to-do lists and time constraints, but splashing in the rain and using our creative painting and drawing skills again feels oh so good! As they say, fun is truly in the eye of the beholder. Toddlers don’t need expensive toys to make them happy.  It’s the simple things that make children happy, and therefore it should be for adults too. The things that make us happy are inside you and around you - loved ones, places, smells and sounds.

    🖐 What’s your ideal fun family activity? And what makes you truly happy, mum?


      3. Love unconditionally; yourself and others 

      Do you sometimes watch your child; in the mirror, singing or dancing, talking to themselves or having imaginative play? They never care, do they? It’s so beautiful to see! They are who they are and they never look at themselves with judgement. We think right there is a big lesson to learn from children. We are so quick to judge ourselves on how we look or what size clothes we wear, instead of just loving ourselves. Be kind to yourself. You mean the world to your family, so love those close to you unconditionally and let them know as often as you can. But even more so, always love yourself.


      🖐 When was the last time you celebrated your accomplishments and spoke out loud of your gratitude for all that you are and all that you will be?

        4. To be yourself

        Toddlers don’t worry about clothes that match. They play with random things that their friends might not like, but they don’t seem to mind. Those things make them happy! Kids don’t care what others think. Think less about other people’s opinions and focus more on what you want.  Don’t compromise on anything because you are worried about the perception of others. Our little ones don’t worry about the future and continuously remind us to live life in the moment (when we can). 

        This also applies to honesty. They say precisely what they think, and we encourage them to express themselves and their emotions as they feel them. So, in learning from our toddlers, speak the truth and let feelings out. In doing so, you’ll always feel better afterwards.

        🖐 Would you live life differently if no one else in the world was watching? 

          5. The importance of nutrition 

          As mums, we spend hours researching, Googling and talking to friends about feeding our kids - how to wean, the best foods to introduce, healthy snack ideas, lunch box tips and ensuring they are eating nutritious food every single day. This serves as an essential reminder to feed ourselves in the same way we nourish our children. Nutrition is vital for the whole family, which we at Sprout Organic truly resonate with. Eating wholesome, nutritious foods makes for a happier, healthier family. 


          🖐 Do you prepare healthy meals that the whole family can enjoy? (Nourishing yourself is super important too, mum). 


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